Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Diva Challenge 218 - White on Black

I must admit, I created this tile a week ago.  It was my very first white on black tile...ever.  I used simple tangles to get the feel for the Gelly Roll pen. And I agree with Ms. Diva, you have to take your time with the pen to keep the ink flowing properly.  I will have to try the Uniball pen she mentions in her post.  I have yet to try a second tile, but that's what I love about the weekly challenges.  I look forward to all the submissions, I know they will be FANTASTIC!

Bales and Paradox


  1. well done beth, you did a lovely job!

  2. Beautiful tile and a very good white pen!

  3. I like the boldness you achieved with your white pen. The white on black construct is more challenging than what I'm used to with black on white.

  4. Very nice. I particularly like the addition of Bales! I think it looks really nice in the white on black.

    1. Thanks..and Bales is a favorite...first tangle I did when I started that came out exactly as I imagined. It shows up on many of my tiles.

  5. Great linework, especially because you've been working with a Gelly Roll penn!

  6. Lovely, clear and steady lines and the finished tile is really good.

  7. I really like the clean clock! Paradox is so fun!

  8. I love how even and consistent your lines are. It really makes these tangles look good! Say, it almost looks like you had the patriotic theme in the back of your mind in anticipation of Memorial Day - you created a version of stars and stripes! Love it!

  9. Great job working with the Gel Pen, Beth. Two great patterns, so well constructed. Well done.

  10. Wonderful linework with the gel pen! Very nicely done!

  11. Nice work on this. The Gelly Roll pens take some practice but it looks like you have a good start. Nice line work.

  12. Very nicely done paradox and bales! That paradox is one of my favorites to see on black paper! Looks great with the florescent pens on black paper as well.

  13. This is so nice. I like the balance between paradox and bales here. It's striking white on black. Nice work

  14. Very nice! Like you, I'm not comfortable with gel pens, especially on black tiles! So I kept mine simple. You did a very nice job!

  15. Beautifully done. Your linework is so precise and looks wonderful on the black tile. Nicely done!
